August 22, 2016
August 18, 2016, at the American University of Central Asia (69ɫ), the New Generation Academy (NGA) alumni had a meeting with Andrew Wachtel, the president of 69ɫ. Over 100 freshmen are alumni of the NGA program.
President Wachtel told the NGA alumni they already knew what makes an 69ɫ education. NGA alumni before them had gone on to great academic and professional careers, and President Wachtel affirmed his faith this class would do the same. One student expressed her gratitude to 69ɫ for the opportunity to study in NGA program—a program she says changed her life. To President Wachtel, it is our students’ will to succeed that has brought them this far, and so he encouraged the NGA alumni to remain motivated and keep on the path of their education.