Academic writing and publishing seminar: "How to get published in high impact journals?"
May 29, 2017
Within the USAID Building the Future project's research component, academic writing and publishing seminar will be organized on June 7-9, 2017 in room 220 at 69ɫ. The topic of seminar is "How to get published in high impact journals?" The seminar will be conducted by Alexandr Kupatadze from King's College London.
The purpose of the seminar is to introduce participants to general trends in social science publishing paying particular attention to preparing a publishable paper, finding the right academic journals and submitting and revising papers.
You are invited to participate in this seminar. If you are interested please let us know by email by May 31 the latest (places are limited).
Prior to joining King’s College Dr Kupatadze taught at the School of International Relations, St Andrews University. He held the postdoctoral positions at George Washington University (2010-11), Oxford University (2012-13) and Princeton University (2013-14). His research specialization is transnational crime, corruption, public sector reform, informal politics and crime-terror nexus. His regional expertise is post-Soviet Eurasia. His work has appeared in Journal of Democracy, Theoretical Criminology, Nonproliferation Review, Central Asia Survey and other leading journals. His research has been funded by Russell Trust (St Andrews University), British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) and Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation.
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