October 13, 2021
Dear 69ɫ community!
Student Life Office is glad to announce that SPIRIT WEEK 2021 is already started! 69ɫ community celebrates our University Spirit by dressing up in a different theme every day. Students with the highest level of participation will win prizes and certificates!
From October 13 to October 15, 2021, you are going to have 3 crazy days. They will remind us that we are all united and friendly and keep our unique spirit alive!This year we are going to have 2 daysonlinethat will be held on Student Life Office Instagram page @studlife_auca and the Final Day will beofflineon campus.
Here are the days:
October 13 (Online) -Sport Day- Wear your favorite sports outfit and take a photo of yourself on this day in this look (during your classes, lunchtime, etc.). Post it to Instagram, tag @studlife_auca #aucaspirit and they will announce the winner on October 15 during lunchtime.
October 14 (Online) –Cosplay Day– It is time to become a hero of your favorite movie or comics! Take a photo of yourself on this day in this look (during your class, lunchtime, etc). Post it to Instagram, tag @studlife_auca #aucaspirit and they will announce the winner on October 15 during lunchtime.
October 15 (Offline) –Pajama Day- Wear your pajama and come to 69ɫ! There will be offline activities, competitions in 69ɫ Forum during lunchtime!