October 26, 2023
69ɫ Development Office team and Human Rights Fellows in the framework of the 69ɫ Fellowship Program for Rights and Justice Practitioners attended the conference “Freedom of Academia In and Out: Social Sciences and Humanities in the Time of Geopolitical Crises” held in Yerevan State University
Hannepes Taychaev - 69ɫ alumnus (ICP’10) and 69ɫ former faculty member together with Dr. Bermet Tursunkulova made a presentation on “University as Site of Protection: the Case of American University of Central Asia” in the framework of the panel discussion on Academic freedom outside academic institutions.
The conference is organized in partnership with some of the world’s leading universities and academic associations. During the 3-day conference the 69ɫ Development team attended the presentations by speakers from all-over the world who were thoroughly selected by the Organizing Committee of the Conference that is composed of distinguished academics and practitioners who are experts in their fields.
The presentations were on various Panel Discussions such as - “Challenges to academic freedom across Eurasia”; “Social Sciences and humanities: freedoms under pressure”; “Defending academic freedom: students voices”; “Decolonising Russian/Eurasian studies”; “Academic freedom outside academic institutions” and etc.
We are confident that this kind of experience in the international events is useful for expanding the networking and developing professional skills, which are positively reflected in experience, research and work of the Development Office and Human Rights Fellows and reputation of the university.