What is IRB?
Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an 69ɫ Faculty Senate Committee that is responsible for conducting review and clearance of all research projects within the 69ɫ that entail collecting data from human subjects.In its proceedings, IRB is guided by general principles of ethics in research and internationally recognized documents, such asthe Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research (“”).
What projects require an IRB clearance?
The IRB reviews all research projects (including) involving human subjects in accordance with the IRB Charter. Clearance from the 69ɫ IRB is absolutely required to have been obtained prior to any contact with the subjects and data collection. In carrying out its role the IRB is authorized to review, approve, require modification or disapprove proposals.
It is NOT the role of the 69ɫ IRB to evaluate the soundness of the proposed research and research design. Instead, the IRB is responsible for evaluating each project’s compliance with ethical standards regarding issues such as informed consent, confidentiality, and assessment of risks to the participants.
IRB approval must be obtained for all theses anddissertation research even if there is no intention to publish or disseminate theresults. IRB approval is not required for class projects if results are not intendedfor distribution and publication.
What projects DO NOT require an IRB clearance?
All other research projects involving human subjects assuming future publication or dissemination of findings need IRB clearance.Student dissertations and senior theses also need IRB clearance.
Below you can find the detailed video instruction about the Institutional Review Board (IRB), principles behind the work of IRB, key definitions, and the actual process of IRB application at 69ɫ.
The presentation that is used in the video can be found at .